PayPal Dilemma

Awe what a sad day this has turned out to be. SponsoredReviews told me that they had sent me $27.95 to my PayPal account but guess what? No payment was received. So I checked my PayPal e-mail that I have stated on my account at SponsoredReviews and my PayPal Address had an additional letter! What? I then panicked and e-mailed that address only to find that the address was not registered to anyone. So I decided to claim that e-mail address and add that e-mail to my PayPal account hoping that my payment would be forwarder to my account but I still don't see any money coming in.

Sure $27.95 may not be that big but it's still money and that could cover one year subscription payment for my new domain. Oh well I have already contacted PayPal and SponsoredReviews about this matter and hope it gets resolved soon.

But one question that bothers me is how in the world did my PayPal e-mail change? I thought I was hacked or something. Guess I have to change my passwords again. If ever I don't get to retrieve that $27.95, well I just have to live with that fact and move on with my life.

As they say, bad things are always replaced with good and vice versa. This balance in life thing is sure is hard to understand.

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