Back To My Personal Life

Oh my God! I can't believe what's happening to my blog! It's slowly turning into an advertising pot hole! Ok, time to refresh my self why I wanted to blog in the first place. I wanted to blog to express my self, to share my ideas, and to develop my creativity and stuff but all I'm doing now is wanting to earn more money! So this is what you call "Compulsive Blog Addiction" huh? Like it's already 2:23 AM and I am still up blogging... Actually I was still searching the net for more pay for blogging sites when I suddenly realized that I should just stop and focus on writing posts rather than searching for more ads to place on my blog because this is a personal site after all... but still, earning money while doing what you like is very tempting. Ok, the rooster just crowed meaning it's already morning and I have to sleep... hmm... so good night, or rather good morning world! I'm off to bed!


Siddhartha said...

Honest confession. You might be introvert in your real life but you are some of the most brave and outspoken bloggers I have seen till date. But I really like your graphics plus narration. Enjoy your blogging.

Angel in the Sickroom said...

Thanks for the comment nilz! I really appreciate it! ^_^