What I Did Today

I wish I could say that I have a very productive sem-break but I don't. Infact, I haven't been doing anything special for the past days ever since I was on vacation. As usual, I'mbored to death and am already begging to go back to school... but I won't repeat what I say every time I'm on school breaks...

What I did today... wake up... eat... take a bath... watch detective conan... surf the net... eat lunch... surf the net... watch tv... snack... play legends of zelda... listen to music... and now currently blogging... exciting huh? Oh yes, don't forget to forget chatting and fighting someone who hates people with extensive vocabulary compared to hers. My day is really something...

Why can't I be like Ellen, a friend of mine, who has another recollection somewhere... She's been into so many recollections and retreats already that I won't wonder why she decided to enter the seminary but I could be wrong... hehehe...

Anyway nothing exciting is happening in my life, not that I am looking for excitement. I mean I want to do something productive for a change... like a job (not cleaning the house thank you, but it's a good idea though) or write a song or something... but I'm simply don't have any inspiration and my creative juices (if I have any) have already run out dry.

I feel like I don't know how to think aymore and I'm becoming very stupid by the second... I wonder how many brain cells have died already from doing nothing and thinking about nothing...

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