A Letter of Complaint

Good day and peace in Christ!

I just want to report an incident that occurred on November 27, 2006, that I thought was really disturbing and it had really affected me so much that it moved me to write this letter. Some may believe that this is only something really irrelevant and does not need to be pondered upon, but I think that this issue is quite important. This issue shakes my image of a nursing-student who has principles, good conduct, and not to mention the sensitivity to other people’s rights. This incident has tarnished this image that I had planted in my system.

My classmates and I were patiently waiting in a long line to claim our breakage refund. It was very hot and people were being rude and were squeezing in front of the line. My classmates were trying to reprimand these students and told them to get back in line at the back. We were trying to bring order to this chaos when all of the sudden we saw (Hidden for Privacy Reasons) leading their group of friends and casually made their way at the front and asked someone to get their ID’s so that they could have a “reservation” at the front. (Hidden) even went to (Hidden) and told her not to get in line at front because this is unfair to everyone but she replied “Ok lang na uy.” After all the things we said they still went ahead and got in line at front not even having any guilt at all that they were being unfair and not to mention disrespectful of the other people that patiently waited in line. I know that this is not worth mentioning at all but what shocked me the most is that these people are our leaders. We look up to (Hidden), our (Hidden), and (Hidden), the (Hidden), as our role-models. We were really disappointed at knowing that our leaders who supposedly knew what is right from wrong did this, and to think that it was their duties as an Atenean leader to do something about this situation. I even heard from someone that (Hidden) even boasted to someone that she already got her breakage money first than anyone else. We just looked at them from the back of the line hoping that they would feel some remorse but they just smiled at us.

I know that courtesy is one of the important things that the XU College of Nursing is trying to teach us. And XU is trying to form men and women for others but this scenario is quite disturbing and is contradictory. I am quite concerned that if the other (Hidden) students saw this then they would lose their respect for these leaders and maybe even follow in their footsteps. I do not want any conflict ma’am; I just want someone else in authority to make them aware of their actions because they don’t seem to listen to us.

I am really down right now. I really thought that they knew what is right. I promise that I won't vote for them any more and I hope that someone else deserving takes their place so that the rest of the student body gets to have leaders who are good influences on them...

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