I am not a problogger earning hundreds to thousands of dollars per month but I do earn money every month, like $50/month. It all depends upon three factors: the amount of visitors I get, the number of clicks on my Adsense Ads, and the opportunities I get to write a sponsored post.
So if you want to earn money during your spare time and you enjoy expressing yourself through blogging then this is a perfect combination. I will show you some simple steps that I have taken myself to earn bucks. You should follow these simple steps:
1. Of course you actually would need a blog to place your posts and ads. So if you're new to blogging and have absolutely no idea about internet and website jargons, Blogger is the best way to go! With blogger, they offer an easy to use blogging interface, they host your pictures for free, they give you a free blog domain (with the yourname.blogspot.com), and just for $10/year you can easily transfer your yourname.blogspot.com blog to a yourname.com blog which is REALLY RECOMMENDED if you want to earn more money and have better opportunities. Other blogging interfaces that I have heard of were good but I didn't try them myself would be WordPress.
2. So in the process of creating your very own blog you are stuck with the dilema of choosing your Blog Title. Well first of all, your blog title should be interesting, short but catchy, and plainly point blank gives the readers an idea of what you are writing about. I will give you a shameless plug, take for example my very own My Nurses Notes. Sure the name is not that catchy but it's short and it summarizes my entire content which is my clinical experiences and thoughts as a student nurse.
3. So your blog is ready but you have to customize it first. I'm no techy but you could do what I did for my Angel in the Sickroom, another shameless plug. Although I got my blog template from searching the web, I personalized it by changing the banner using Photoshop. It's better to use a three column blog as it allows you more space for chatboxes, links to other bloggers, ads, and other stuff so that your blog won't look ordinary, plain, and boring.
4. So everything is set in your blog layout. So if you're using Blogger, lucky you! You can just simply add Adsense ads into your blog template and also in between your posts if you'd like (Layout->Blog Posts->Edit->Configure In-line ads). It's best if you have a Google Account so that you can link your blog and Google Adsense easier.
5. Once all your ads are set, you would actually want to attract readers too so that they could click on your ads and so that you can earn money faster. The best way to get your blog known and discovered on the internet is to join the blogging community. You can add your blog to blog directories (like the ones at my 1st column under blog directories), joining and installing EntreCard on your blog for instant traffic, submitting your blog to search engines like:
- Yahoo! Search
- Microsoft Live Search
- Alexa Web Search
- Baidu (Chinese search engine)
- ExactSeek
- SearchSight
- Scrub the Web
- EntireWeb
- Gigablast
- Exalead
- SearchKing
- whatUseek
- AnooX
- Splat Search
- Walhello
- SearchIt
- email Mozdex
- Jayde
- Infotiger
- Abacho (European search engine)
- Submit-one
- TowerSearch
- HotLaunch
- Shoula
- The-search-site
- Websquash
- Unasked
- eVisum (educational resource)
- DinoSearch
- SearchRamp
- SearchtheWeb
- SearchWarp
- Mixcat
- BestYellow
- Beamed
Or if you don't have the time, you can use these free services to submit your website to the other hundreds of search engines:
- FastSubmit
- Submit Express
- AddMe
- Freesubmissionweb
- ineedhits
- Submitshop
- Searchengineoptimising
- AddPro
- Pageranklist
- Freewebsubmission
- Amfibi
- Burf
- Jerkasmarknad
- LocalSubmit
- SrSubmit
Of course, you could also do the traditional way and even the most effective way of getting readers: visit other blogs and interact with the blog owner. Make friends and exchange links.
6. So you have introduced your blog to the blogosphere and now have daily visits from other people. Just keep your posts interesting and unique and maybe in a matter of weeks or months you will get a PageRank. PageRank ranges from 0 to 10 with 10 as the highest. Mind you, if you want to earn money your blog's worth is measured by the PR. If you have a higher PR like my Angel in the Sickroom (which has a PR 4) you can be eligible to make paid posts. Right now I can get sponsored posts for $20 per 200 word post. You may want to join these:

So there you go! Hope these tips and referrals will help you in your path to earning money through blogging!
6. So you have introduced your blog to the blogosphere and now have daily visits from other people. Just keep your posts interesting and unique and maybe in a matter of weeks or months you will get a PageRank. PageRank ranges from 0 to 10 with 10 as the highest. Mind you, if you want to earn money your blog's worth is measured by the PR. If you have a higher PR like my Angel in the Sickroom (which has a PR 4) you can be eligible to make paid posts. Right now I can get sponsored posts for $20 per 200 word post. You may want to join these:

So there you go! Hope these tips and referrals will help you in your path to earning money through blogging!