Google AdSense PIN

I just love it when I receive letters (except when the letter is a billing statement) and the best letter that I received this year is from Google AdSense. They just sent me my Personal Identification Number (PIN) to certify that I'm a real person and not some person who stole private information just to get more earning from AdSense or something.

Upon receiving the letter, all my doubts about the genuineness of the Google AdSense program has been wiped out. I really can earn money from Google after all. Anyway, for those who don't know what Google AdSense is take some time to read this:
"Google AdSense is a program in which enterprises can display Google advertisements on Web sites and earn revenue from hits that generate traffic for the Google search engines. Google AdSense represents businesses of all sizes worldwide in multiple languages. AdSense is a refinement and expansion of the concept behind banner-ad sharing arrangements that have been in use for years."
- From Whatis?com
Why don't you guys try blogging right now and apply to AdSense. Isn't blogging about things you like and earning at the same time great?

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